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24 ways to impress your friends

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Chris House

Inayaili, this is an absolutely fantastic article. I read all the articles here on 24 Ways, but this is the first one I’ve felt the need to comment on. I’ve always struggled to describe to people what it really means that I’m an introvert. Most people, as you mentioned, attribute it to shyness, self-consciousness, or social anxiety (not that there necessarily isn’t some of that in me too, but they’re different things from introversion). It’s not a problem, a character flaw, or a disorder. But I’ve always struggled to define exactly what it WAS. Until now. Your article kinda cleared up how I should think about it: the need to recharge after socializing. That’s just brilliant and spot-on. I feel mentally and emotionally drained after putting on my “game face” for social events. What comes so naturally to many people is a constant effort for me. I’m good at it. I fit in just fine. But what’s different about me is how much alone time I need to compensate for the social time. I get it now! Thanks for the great article.