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24 ways to impress your friends

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Alan Moore

I’m with Andy on this… designing in the browser is the way to go.

For those of you panicking and shouting “But I’m just not as creative in a browser as I am in Photoshop!” perhaps you need to practice more. Then you’ll be faster, and more creative.

As Andy pointed out in his reply, he didn’t mention actually designing in the browser, and started in Fireworks. I do the same, but the difference from project to project is that jump-off point from FW into the browser.

No-one’s saying work 100% one way or the other. At the earliest point you can (either to keep yourself comfortable, or to keep bosses/clients/whatever happy), jump to the browser and make all amends (design and content) there.

Anyone who says it’s easier to move page elements around in PS than HTML/CSS may want to figure out how to completely split HTML from CSSHTML for content only, and CSS for appearance will make your life much easier in the long run.