Nice. I’ve been trying to nest divs in the left div. And float them to make a set of aligned blocks.
That doesn’t work. My nested divs appear outside the original left div when floated. Tried unordered lists and paragraphs. It won’t float, if you know what I mean.
The horrendous scoldbar emerges, aligning the right div sidebar to what precedes my left side floating content.
Nice. I’ve been trying to nest divs in the left div. And float them to make a set of aligned blocks.
That doesn’t work. My nested divs appear outside the original left div when floated. Tried unordered lists and paragraphs. It won’t float, if you know what I mean.
The horrendous scoldbar emerges, aligning the right div sidebar to what precedes my left side floating content.
Ah, if I could only see the light…