From Side Project to Not So Side Project
Elliot Jay Stocks meditates on the success of 8 Faces and the delicate balance of passion and profitability that he strives for. New years can inspire new adventures: is it time to set out on yours?
Elliot Jay Stocks is a designer, speaker, and author. He is also the founder of typography magazine 8 Faces and, more recently, the co-founder of Viewport Industries. He lives and works in the countryside between Bristol and Bath, England.
Photo: Samantha Cliffe
Elliot Jay Stocks meditates on the success of 8 Faces and the delicate balance of passion and profitability that he strives for. New years can inspire new adventures: is it time to set out on yours?
Elliot Jay Stocks thinks you should have a pet project on the go, and dammit if he’s not about to tell you why. Of course, this very site is a pet project which is explicitly just for Christmas, but we’re prepared to overlook that. As you were.
Elliot Jay Stocks steps us through publishing a set of contact details using the hCard microformat. Once the basics are in place follow along as we add some sparkle with the aid of CSS3 web fonts, text-shadow, border-radius and first-child selectors.
Elliot Jay Stocks demonstrates how, with careful selection, an image can be manipulated so that it can repeat for as long as necessary. Like a 30lb turkey, just when you think it’s gone, there’s always a little bit more.