Pelle – I’m not clear about your question. Can you clarify?
Kabari – Good catch. Not sure how I managed to leave that out. The most common XML declaration, whose placement is in the prolog above the doctype, is the following: <?xml version=“1.0”?>. Another suggested option is to include character encoding in the declaration, such as <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
Mats – I don’t know that I could accurately describe the difference between the two doctypes. Need to look into that. My gut assumption is that the wapforum doctype has been the accepted doctype for several years now, and possibly the oma doctype that you mention will soon replace it as the accepted/preferred doctype. (Just as a bit of history, WAP Forum was formerly an independent organization that was later consolidated into the Open Mobile Alliance, or OMA.)
Adrian – “Opening a full site fine” and “opening a contextually relevant site that doesn’t cost the user an arm and leg in data costs” are two different things. The brevity of this article doesn’t allow me to cover the whole one web / device independence vs. mobile-optimized content issue, but you can read about that further here
Pelle – I’m not clear about your question. Can you clarify?
Kabari – Good catch. Not sure how I managed to leave that out. The most common XML declaration, whose placement is in the prolog above the doctype, is the following:
<?xml version=“1.0”?>
. Another suggested option is to include character encoding in the declaration, such as<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
Mats – I don’t know that I could accurately describe the difference between the two doctypes. Need to look into that. My gut assumption is that the wapforum doctype has been the accepted doctype for several years now, and possibly the oma doctype that you mention will soon replace it as the accepted/preferred doctype. (Just as a bit of history, WAP Forum was formerly an independent organization that was later consolidated into the Open Mobile Alliance, or OMA.)
Adrian – “Opening a full site fine” and “opening a contextually relevant site that doesn’t cost the user an arm and leg in data costs” are two different things. The brevity of this article doesn’t allow me to cover the whole one web / device independence vs. mobile-optimized content issue, but you can read about that further here