I’ll also second Adrian Westlake’s point about line length balancing/adjusting, especially for headings. Adrian (and others) calls it typography widows. Maybe we need another term to distinguish ‘widow’ from its traditional sense of short lines at the top or bottom of a column. Whatever we call it, we shouldn’t have to resort to JavaScript hacks like Dave Cardwell’s jQWidon’t, adapted from Shaun Inman’s WordPress plug-in.
Thanks Inayaili. This list chimes so many times with my own. It’s no surprise that…
As Gerry McGovern put it…
I’ll also second Adrian Westlake’s point about line length balancing/adjusting, especially for headings. Adrian (and others) calls it typography widows. Maybe we need another term to distinguish ‘widow’ from its traditional sense of short lines at the top or bottom of a column. Whatever we call it, we shouldn’t have to resort to JavaScript hacks like Dave Cardwell’s jQWidon’t, adapted from Shaun Inman’s WordPress plug-in.