First of all, a nicely written article, please do keep them coming! However, have you tried the Photoshop >Fireworks workflow as it now comes with CS4. Much easier to start in Photoshop and end up with a clean, interactive, easily changable mockup, with a lot less work to do when reaching for the final product. As a Graphic Designer, I can mock up in the browser but find it more time consuming and creatively restrictive than the Photoshop route. Previous to CS4, I did find it cumbersome, but now it is a dream.
First of all, a nicely written article, please do keep them coming! However, have you tried the Photoshop >Fireworks workflow as it now comes with CS4. Much easier to start in Photoshop and end up with a clean, interactive, easily changable mockup, with a lot less work to do when reaching for the final product. As a Graphic Designer, I can mock up in the browser but find it more time consuming and creatively restrictive than the Photoshop route. Previous to CS4, I did find it cumbersome, but now it is a dream.