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Niels Matthijs

Inferior browsers are still the majority share. Majority. So, the majority notices your site as slow. This will change eventually (sooner than later), so why not build for the future starting now?

In Andy’s example, part of the majority will notice the site as inferior. Just looked at the “buttoned” elements (where in modern browsers Andy used crappy rounded corners support – which is not future-proof either). I believe most of them will prefer “slower”, especially when slower means some background images popping up when the content is already there.

And adding images for rounded corners in an IE-only css is building for the future. When the browser dies, you remove the reference to the css in de html and tada!

As web professionals, we need to start accepting that all browsers are not going to display sites the same

Accepting this is different from not trying to achieve the best (design) quality in each browser. If you can’t get it right, sure, but if you can do it but won’t … well.

Once layout approval is given

Once layout approval is revoked, the mess starts. I honestly don’t believe that this work-flow results in equal quality css. Maybe if you can show me differently.

What limitation is that?

Whatever limitation invoked by css3. No graphical elements, simple fades, simple drop shadows. If css3 can’t do it, it can’t be in the design. Like I said, to each his own, but I’m not a fan. Doing a design without any use of background images sounds like limiting to me. Image designing the following in a browser: