Great article. Its something that I’ve seen discussed a few times and definitely needs a solution. After attempting to implement this on a dev site I have to say your proposed method for suppressing it works amazingly, except when dealing with clicks that initiate Javascript actions on a specific page. As you are not leaving, and you do hover off the focus outline is returned.
The best thing you might have said though, that for some reason had never occurred to me is to design specific focus styles or use your hover styles which may end up being the best method.
Great article. Its something that I’ve seen discussed a few times and definitely needs a solution. After attempting to implement this on a dev site I have to say your proposed method for suppressing it works amazingly, except when dealing with clicks that initiate Javascript actions on a specific page. As you are not leaving, and you do hover off the focus outline is returned.
The best thing you might have said though, that for some reason had never occurred to me is to design specific focus styles or use your hover styles which may end up being the best method.