Thanks for writing this. I have often thought about making an anonymous blog to post my darkest thoughts about the web, design and tech. A place I could use as ‘mental waste disposal’. I have experienced all the emotions you pput forwards in the article yet keep them to myself for fear of seeming unprofessional or indeed a liability to employers, or indeed, a miserable bastard!
So, you have inspired me to take action because anything that reminds people, even if just one or 2, that they are not alone in their fears, it’s worth it.
Thanks for writing this. I have often thought about making an anonymous blog to post my darkest thoughts about the web, design and tech. A place I could use as ‘mental waste disposal’. I have experienced all the emotions you pput forwards in the article yet keep them to myself for fear of seeming unprofessional or indeed a liability to employers, or indeed, a miserable bastard!
So, you have inspired me to take action because anything that reminds people, even if just one or 2, that they are not alone in their fears, it’s worth it.