This recession period effects lot of web designer. In a few months I feel that I didn’t get much work as I get in good times. Heard to manage my and my family expenses.
In this gloomy and heard time I do one thing, that I didn’t loose heart and keep my thinking positive. Always looking for inspiration articles, work like you. To handle this challenging time I change my price, lower your overhead and constantly communicating with my clients to keep in touch with them.
Bad times are hard on overweight companies and over-leveraged start-ups, but can be kind to freelancers and small agencies.
This recession period effects lot of web designer. In a few months I feel that I didn’t get much work as I get in good times. Heard to manage my and my family expenses.
In this gloomy and heard time I do one thing, that I didn’t loose heart and keep my thinking positive. Always looking for inspiration articles, work like you. To handle this challenging time I change my price, lower your overhead and constantly communicating with my clients to keep in touch with them.
Bad times are hard on overweight companies and over-leveraged start-ups, but can be kind to freelancers and small agencies.