Thanks for a superb article. Today is my last day at my nice secure job – I’m leaving to relocate further north, and for the next few months at least, I’m going to be working freelance. Although I have a few projects already lined up which will see me through the near future, I have to admit that I’ve been getting more and more anxious about an economic climate that I will no longer be directly insulated from! This article has not just helped put me at ease about my new situation, but actually has me absolutely raring to go. Thanks for a very thoughtful Christmas present – it’s just what I wanted, and I will use it every day :)
Merry Christmas to everyone, especially everyone that spent the time putting 24ways together this year. It’s been easily the best one yet, and I’m really grateful you all took the time and effort!
Thanks for a superb article. Today is my last day at my nice secure job – I’m leaving to relocate further north, and for the next few months at least, I’m going to be working freelance. Although I have a few projects already lined up which will see me through the near future, I have to admit that I’ve been getting more and more anxious about an economic climate that I will no longer be directly insulated from! This article has not just helped put me at ease about my new situation, but actually has me absolutely raring to go. Thanks for a very thoughtful Christmas present – it’s just what I wanted, and I will use it every day :)
Merry Christmas to everyone, especially everyone that spent the time putting 24ways together this year. It’s been easily the best one yet, and I’m really grateful you all took the time and effort!
Take care, Andi