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My opinion is simple. Microsoft is the most profitable company in the world, they can pay large salaries to their emplyees.

My responsibility is to build XHTML that follows WC3 standards (don’t try to verify my site, I’m still developing a new theme to it and then I’m gonna fix plugins and update posts :P ), and theirs is to develop browsers that follows these same standards.

If they, being so well paid as they are (should be), don’t follow the guidelines… why whould support their inconsistences for free?

I’ve also read about another way to drop support, simply don’t provide any CSS to IE and let its faithful users browse raw HTML. I just don’t bother with it, let they see how their beloved browser deals with open standards. If they want good support, let them donate enough amount of money so that we feel worthy supporting.

Last weeks I went to a site that PHP-verified I’m using FireFox and just sent me an HTML saying my browser is not supported…