@Paul I’ve added a bunch of your experiments to a list of 3D CSS examples You’re free to edit this list as you see fit.
@Dirk – thanks for clearing up the current Windows support situation. Re: Modernizr, I know that version 1.6 does return as negative in Chrome (can’t speak for Chromium builds), this wasn’t the case in earlier builds. If its still producing false positives, you should submit an issue So Paul & Faruk can resolve it.
Thanks so much for chiming in as I was unaware of all the spectacular development you’ve made on 3D CSS transforms. I’ve added a bunch of articles and examples to the links in the github wiki.
This article is still in development as a GitHub repo . I welcome any pull requests, suggestions, and additions.
@Paul I’ve added a bunch of your experiments to a list of 3D CSS examples You’re free to edit this list as you see fit.
@Dirk – thanks for clearing up the current Windows support situation. Re: Modernizr, I know that version 1.6 does return as negative in Chrome (can’t speak for Chromium builds), this wasn’t the case in earlier builds. If its still producing false positives, you should submit an issue So Paul & Faruk can resolve it.
Thanks so much for chiming in as I was unaware of all the spectacular development you’ve made on 3D CSS transforms. I’ve added a bunch of articles and examples to the links in the github wiki.
This article is still in development as a GitHub repo . I welcome any pull requests, suggestions, and additions.