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24 ways to impress your friends

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Elizabeth K. Barone

Great article, Jina. I love your writing style.

i try to balance the work with things I enjoy, but sometimes I forget and that is when I struggle. It also doesn’t help that I have to frequently stave off depression, so the battle is even more important.

I’m glad to see this article and the “Burnout” article at A List Apart. Everyone expects us to be happy robots producing beautiful thing after beautiful thing, but it truly can be a draining industry. Make no mistake — I love being a web designer and developer. I just think that the dangers of burning out often go ignored and most of us suffer in silence.

We definitely need to remember how to make ourselves happy when we work such demanding jobs. I’m probably rambling because I’m tired, but I truly did appreciate this article.

If anyone needs someone to talk to, to talk shop, complain, or whatever, shoot an email to ebarone( I’m here and willing to listen. (: