David – Thanks you so much for unraveling the mystery of creating good professional HTML newsletter layouts. It is refreshing to find honest and open sharing information that I personally have found most useful.
Thought it was so great did my own article for my readers with advice (and link) that they should all read your article – see http://topleftdesigns.com.au/_blog/Internet_Marketing/post/Setting_up_your_eMail_Marketing_Newsletter_Templates_and_Layouts
I think the most powerful message I walked away with is “Keep your layouts simple” closely followed by “If you follow rule 1 you can make it happen”.
For an industry that so strongly relies on standards, we do such a good job of abusing the requirements and benefits. In 35yrs in this game I have just watched it get worse and worse.
A thank you also to the other contributors for their comment and insight.
David – Thanks you so much for unraveling the mystery of creating good professional HTML newsletter layouts. It is refreshing to find honest and open sharing information that I personally have found most useful.
Thought it was so great did my own article for my readers with advice (and link) that they should all read your article – see http://topleftdesigns.com.au/_blog/Internet_Marketing/post/Setting_up_your_eMail_Marketing_Newsletter_Templates_and_Layouts
I think the most powerful message I walked away with is “Keep your layouts simple” closely followed by “If you follow rule 1 you can make it happen”.
For an industry that so strongly relies on standards, we do such a good job of abusing the requirements and benefits. In 35yrs in this game I have just watched it get worse and worse.
A thank you also to the other contributors for their comment and insight.
Thank you for sharing.