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I know this post is a bit old, but the concepts still seem very useful and relevant. I really appreciate the insights here.

However, as a professional copywriter who specializes in website copy for businesses, I am perplexed, over and over again, as to why designers don’t encourage or insist upon bringing copywriters into web projects.

I’m in the midst of reading many “content-first design” articles, and so far, there are a few things they have in common: 1. An assumption that the client will be the party responsible for providing copy. 2. Frustration that the client is almost never good at creating copy, or providing it in a timely manner. 3. A baffling omission of even the inkling that one might consider hiring a copywriter to solve point #2.

So I’m genuinely curious… What am I missing here? If we all agree that content is so important, why isn’t the web design/development community placing a higher value on its creation?