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24 ways to impress your friends

Jack Franklin

Jack Franklin

Jack Franklin is a developer, speaker and author who blogs at and has authored “Beginning jQuery”. Jack works as a developer evangelist for Pusher and is also a Google Developer Expert for the Chrome HTML 5 platform. He tweets as @jack_franklin and spends far too much time thinking about JavaScript.

  1. Universal React

    Jack Franklin

    Jack Franklin darns the holes left in our applications by exploring how our client-side JavaScript frameworks might also be run on the server to provide universal support for all types of user. How will you react when you see mommy kissing Server Claus?

  2. JavaScript Modules the ES6 Way

    Jack Franklin

    Jack Franklin introduces ECMAScript 6’s module system with some tools to help us start using this powerful new JavaScript functionality of tomorrow right now. Always good to be ahead of the game – sorted out your Christmas shopping yet?