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24 ways to impress your friends

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Jamie Neely

Hi Anna. Great article.

In our own work, we’ve found that getting off to a good start with something like Twitter Bootstrap and Mailchimp UI Pattern Library is half the battle.

I’ve also been speaking to loads of design/front-end people over the past 6 months who’ve been describing handover as one of the prickliest parts a project. Most of those people know intuitively that a styleguide can help, but say it often becomes a casualty of project time constraints.

(sad panda face)

To help reduce effort, we recently built a styleguide feature for It creates a real time representation of any style decisions you make while designing in the app, including supporting code snippets. After just a few weeks of beta use, we are getting a really positive reaction to that one feature.

You can see a screenshot here

We’re always looking for good examples of this stuff, so thanks for creating the stash!