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24 ways to impress your friends

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Mathias Bynens


When changes are needed, they take, well, MINUTES to accomplish and are often made with a client sitting next to me.

Obviously, you’re talking about minor changes, not fundamental modifications to the original design — let alone, starting a new design from scratch.

I can see why the only changes clients request to your designs are tiny ones, but this doesn’t mean this is the case for every designer and for every project.

This workflow might work for your projects, but this doesn’t mean it’ll work for any web design + development project. Again — I think the situation in which there’s both a designer as well as a (front-end) developer is much more common than just one double- or triple-talented bastard doing all the work. There’s no way the front-end developer is gonna start working before the design is final (i.e. fully approved by the client). It’s called “working for free”.

This article is, sadly, a fairy tale to most people.


Mathias Bynens
Front-end web developer
Single-talented bastard.