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Matt Carey

The key thing here (IMHO) is client education. If the client understands the issues, either because they are enlightened or we have educated them properly, then the argument above works. If the client refuses to ‘get it’, then the issue becomes problematic.

We recently launched a site using CSS3 for rounded corner boxes amongst other things. The design was so fluid due to editorial developments it was the only way to respond quickly. All but one of the client team pointed out that IE was getting square boxes instead of rounded. Once we explained the issues they totally understood.

But we have other clients who believe firmly that IE is everything and won’t be swayed. They want their money spent on making IE look as good as possible. No matter how much we try and educate them their views are fixed. In those situations if we want to do CSS3 ‘cool stuff’ it would be out of our spare time.

No easy answers to this debate yet, but good to have the debate I believe.