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Wendy Walsh

Chris, thank you so much for this article. I love scss and am fine with the command line, but for some reason they don’t explain certain things on Github or on the Grunt site. I’d get an error message that says the Gruntfile.js has to be “next to” grunt…. where?

Thanks for explaining how the package.json and Gruntfile.js and npm work together, especially in resolving my confusion between which goes on the project root and which goes in the user root.

I could install everything with sudo without having to resort to chown. Since I don’t really know Unix, I don’t want to mess around. And really, you don’t have to.

For the other cautious and successful noobs out there:
I was more successful on Mac Mavericks when installing node and npm the old-fashioned way, as if they were Adobe apps or something, instead of git clone which despite X-tools paths didn’t put them in the right place.

This is the best way to toggle your files between showing and hiding the invisible dot files, so you can see what’s in npm in the first place!:

LikeABausEnterprise discussions.
Re: How do I show hidden files on Mavericks (10.9)
Jan 15, 2014 9:00 AM (in response to Toubinator)

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1 defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0

Naturally 1 is ‘on’ and 0 is ‘off’ . And RESTART

For some reason the Ghost blog has the best documentation for the install of node and npm as a package instead of git clone:

Happy cause I am optimizing all my webfiles on the fly — big ups for mobile speed on w3c validator mobile ok.

Thanks again Chris, you rule!!