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Artur Bodera

It looks much like trying to force/bend CSS where it should not go. The purpose of <table> is for “tabular data” and is being referred to as such in all modern specifications (i.e. html 5).

Changing display css attributes to make div look like a cell? It’s most funny when the css-based markup has a very similar structure to an ordinary <table> but with <td> replaced with divs.

Common people. In terms of dom structure and css, thinking out-of-the-box and as a proof of concept, you should be able to create the same effect as a <table><tr><td> with <strong><cite><blockquote> – it’s just a matter of changing the display attributes to “table-*” and you’re done. But what for ?

I’d gladly go past css 2 and dump ie6, but I really miss the times, when I’ve prepared all layouts in tables. I had my tricks to make them look the same in all browsers and IE-modes. Why I miss that? Because it took me half the time to code it (even though the html tables were nested as hell) and it ALWAYS worked the way I wanted without much trouble.

Now we have a beautiful, short, semantic markup (invisible feature, only for devs) and broken-with-each-version-of-ie-and-firefox layouts that get awful (visitors, visible feature).

It kinda reminds me of the difference between a mac and a pc – with a pc you get compatibility with anything, option to choose and pick from many vendors and technologies. With a mac, you have one platform, one vendor and one seamless technology. With the all-compatible pc came drivers, conflicts, hangs and head scratching. With the mac comes a peaceful mind and expectable results even though mac os is based on unix, and is more ambiguous if you want to hack it.