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24 ways to impress your friends

Hagar Shilo

Hagar Shilo

Hagar is a front-end developer and blogger. After nearly a decade in the publishing industry, she transitioned into software development, and today, part of her mission is to help other women who are on this path. She blogs about the tech industry and career switching, and co-admins a Facebook group for women who are taking their first steps into the industry. You can read her musings on her Hebrew blog, Anonymous Function, on Medium, and on TheMarker, where she writes a periodic technology column.

Hagar has always been a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits. Her interests and hobbies include linguistics, sewing, baking, painting and music.

  1. The Art of Mathematics: A Mandala Maker Tutorial

    Hagar Shilo

    Hagar Shilo breaks out the Christmas decorations with a tutorial to show how a little knowledge of JavaScript can lead to impressive results. Forget about the doilies and fake snow on the windows, all we need to create geometric patterns is a web browser and a sprinkling of mathematics.